The heavier the world feels on your shoulders, the more you need a light and dainty beat to move to. With Steady As She Goes, Berlin-based band Holler my Dear are releasing a disco-folk album that works the current gloomy state of affairs into bouncy tunes. To hi-hats, trumpets and accordeon, the six eclecticists are dancing gently on the filter bubble all while being staunchly political; play acoustically all while retaining their disco groove. Seeming contradictions is also where the album’s nautical title stems from: Steady As She Goes, or „keeping the ship on course“ is less about going in straight lines and more about navigating high tides: It’s fluctuation Holler My Dear find consistency in. The world keeps on turning, the beat goes on – and so does our boat trip: Laura Winkler’s athletic, silky vocals float between escapism and escalation, paint with sound, make the loud sound soft and sometimes just let four be on the floor. In the end, no battle cry is more powerful than a danceable punchline above a sundowner groove and funky guitars: „You sow the seeds of discord. We sow the seeds of disco.“
“Ein Vergnügen” – Jazz thing
“Eine unglaubliche, mitreißende Mischung aus Balkan Beat, Soul, Folk und Disco, die eine große Zukunft vor sich hat.” – MDR
“Nachdenklich und tanzlustig zugleich. Ihre fröhlichwiderständige Devise heißt Tanzen, aber gerne aus der Reihe.” – Norbert Krampf,FAZ
“Musik als Antidepressivum” – BÜHNE – Österreichs Theater- und Kulturmagazin
“(…)Steady as She Goes ist brilliant und macht die Band zum Vorbild für aktuelle, hochintelligente, mit Jazz und Folk angereicherte Popmusik.” – Jazzthetik
“Abwechslungsreicher Folk-Pop mit Groove und Geist, Witz und Hintersinn” – Journal Frankfurt